NUCCA Chiropractic
We specialize in the NUCCA Upper Cervical Chiropractic to correct vertebral subluxations. We believe that by caring for the root of your spine, the Atlas bone, we’ll be successful in not only treating your most prevalent aliment, but improving your overall health.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic to correct vertebral subluxations
nucca simplifies treatment
Accidents and injuries at any age can misalign the spine and cause the head and neck to shift away from vertical. The misalignment causes stress on the nervous system, the master control of the body. This in turn, causes contraction of muscles, postural distortion of the body. Correcting the misalignment of the spine can bring the spine back to center, alleviating the stress put on the nervous system and allows the body to heal.
nucca is precise
X-rays taken prior to the first adjustment allow us to “see” objectively the exact position of your spine. Careful analysis reveals a precise correction formula used to restore your spine to its proper alignment.
nucca is Gentle and Non-invasive
NUCCA uses the least force of most chiropractic technique. There is absolutely no popping, cracking, or high velocity twisting of the head or neck. The precision of the adjustment allows us to work smarter, not harder. You’ll be amazed at how gentle NUCCA is! The NUCCA technique provides benefits to everyone. People of all ages will benefit from properly aligning their spine.
nucca works
By correcting the entire spine and not just the problem areas, the body is able to stay corrected for longer periods of time, allowing for better recovery. As we monitor your spinal correction, stabilization and healing, you will begin to be able to do things you haven’t done in years.
Some of the types of conditions NUCCA may help include:
Neck and back pain
Headaches and migraines
Whiplash Disorders
Athletic and Auto injuries
Herniated disc
Arm and leg numbness
Autoimmune disorders
Sinus and allergy problems